Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Master's Hammer & Chisel: Week 2

Well, week 2 brings a whole new set of workouts. One cool thing about this program is the variety! I have only repeated 1 workout--Chisel Balance--and that actually was optional. I could have substituted Power Chisel (from the deluxe addition) in for the repeat. It's impossible to get bored with this program because there are SO many workouts in the schedule!

I do feel like there are pull-ups and bulgarian split lunges in EVERY SINGLE workout though, haha. Ugh. I'd better be a pro at those by the end of the program! Bulgarian split squats BURN like crazy, and I can't do an unassisted pull-up right now. I actually use a band wrapped around a beam in our basement. Those are still challenging, but I plan on working up to pull-ups with an assist band and then (fingers crossed!) to REAL pull-ups with no help!

Two things I have been using every day: Shakeology and Beachbody's Performance Energize. Energize is a pre-workout powder formulated to help delay exercise-induced muscle fatigue while you exercise, so it helps curb soreness during a workout. It also has a low dose of caffeine and gives a boost of energy to get through really intense workouts. On days that I work, I exercise in the morning, so I have to get up at 4:15AM. I don't want to eat that early, but I do want something that will get me through my intense workouts. Energize does the trick! I mix up a scoop first thing with 8oz of water and then use the next 15-20 minutes to get ready to sweat. :)

Poached eggs on Ezekiel bread toast with some grated parmesan has been my go-to breakfast. It's pretty simple and oh so delicious! I also love to have some mancakes handy for an on-the-go snack.

Poached Eggs on Toast
I am already on my way through week 3 and am so glad that I started this program! I can feel myself getting stronger with each workout--especially in my core. My abs feel tighter even though you can't see them yet. I'm looking forward to see what pictures and measurements show on Day 60! But for now, I am taking one day and one workout at a time.

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