Wednesday, August 10, 2016

My Favorite Snack: Yogurt & Apple

My snacks from day to day don't really see much variety. I like to keep them simple--makes meal planning simpler! I used to always put frozen blueberries in my yogurt, but lately, I've found that having a crispy apple cut up and added instead is delightful! For yogurt, my go-to is Oikos Triple Zero. It is called Triple Zero because it has 0 fat, 0 added sugar, and 0 artificial sweeteners. The sweetener is from stevia leaf extract. My favorite flavor for this snack is the Vanilla.

What it takes:
3/4c Greek yogurt
1 apple chopped into small bits
dash of cinnamon, to taste

It's a great snack for the kids, too. Raelyn loves it! I definitely sit with her to make sure she doesn't shove a whole spoonful of apple into her mouth, but she does well with it. So here's a nice, tasty snack idea for you!

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